Monday, March 15, 2010


I will get over this!!! I HAVE TO!
I am not doing very well right now and somehow I need to find a clearing. I do not want to get too personal, but I have some issues that I deal with and I have been doing quite well until the last couple weeks. The sadness just comes in and then I get to my knees and ask Heavenly Father to be with me and that Jesus can take the pain and sadness away- it is a daily ritual right now. I am unable to really concentrate and the tears are forming and it seems like I have a constant migraine. I was feeling a little better and then the news of my sister close sister has a brain tumor. YES I know that brain surgery happens daily, but to someone else...not to my dear sister! I am reeling right now and am trying to fight through it.

So the big question that keeps on coming around to myself is...
"What are you going to take from this????"

I have so many desires of my heart- I SIMPLY WANT TO CREATE! I want to be happy in my life and with what I am doing and contributing...even if it's a smile to someone who wanted a beautiful embellishment to their wardrobe.
You never know a person's real life.. what if that person is going through a difficult time,a funeral, a divorce, depression, health problems? And they find this one simple beautiful elegant THING and it gives them a glimpse of freedom from their earthly cares? For that one special moment they see something only THEY see...light, peace and serenity. In return that one special earthly thing make them feel special, makes them feel a little brighter, a little more hopeful for the future. The THING can be anything! The key is that the THING is not just any ordinary thing, it begins to hold their soul.

THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE....There is so much sadness and pain in the world and I want to reach people. I want to help them see life from a new perspective because I know where they have been.


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