Monday, November 8, 2010


So I am finally getting back in the swing of things amongst the madness that is my life. We have been renovating my inlaws kitchen for what seems like forever. First was the daunting task of redoing the cabinets, then subfloor with water damaged planks, lighting, new appliances, counter tops, plumbing & sink, wainscoting and now drawer hardware. Next on the list is tile and molding, flooring and touch ups and knobs.I cannot wait until this project is done because there is always so much more. They also have a wall of open shelving that is a built in that is in serious need of TLC. I have to pace myself, but it drives me nuts!!!

I participated in my first real bazaar on Sat. and I don't know if I ever want to do one again. I like to do things my way and according to my schedule. In the end it was worth it so I know what to expect. I will be doing some more home bazaars/open houses with new markdowns. I have an abundance of things that I really need to get rid of. I will post when the further dates are.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blue Luxx

Hey there everyone!

I am finally ready for an open house. I have many, many different items. I was going to post pictures, but I have far too many items to do that so I will list some things. Location is 8712 NE 35TH AVE from 11:30- 2:00 both days.

Silver rings
Silver pearl rings
Gold rings
Gold pearl rings
Silver pearl earrings
Gold pearl earrings
Silver bracelets
Silver resin flower earrings and rings
Kids resin rings of all sizes and shapes
Kids silver rings... some with stones
Hello Kitty reusable shopping bags
Hello Kitty mp3 player/coin purses
Feather headbands for ALL ages
Moreno glass jewelry
Silver gemstone jewelry
Resin flowers on a flat pad on silver bobby pins
Leather Hello Kitty watches
Gold and Silver pearl necklaces of very HIGH quality!!!
Bottle cap necklaces
Flower hair accessories

As you can tell I have a ton of stuff so feel free to stop on by and let anyone else know that would be interested.

Thanks SAS

Email me if you have any questions

Monday, August 2, 2010


I am finally getting ready for my business. I am going to post pictures and send emails out with the link to my blog. I will post items I will be selling jewelry to hair accessories for all ages. I have mostly sterling silver to gold. I buy wholesale and make quite a bit of it allowing me to sell for wholesale as well. My items are quality!!!!

I will be previewing an open house block of 3 hours for 2-3 days. Preferably it will be a weekend.. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. The time is estimated to be at the end of this month before school starts back up. There is NO hassle because I hate that more than anything so that is another reason I will be post pictures with some pricing. You also can always email me with things you know you want.

When writing emails head them BLUE LUXX
My email is-

Watch for the upcoming posts and emails and most of all TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY OR ANYONE YOU THINK MIGHT ENJOY WHAT I HAVE.

Thanks a BUNCH!!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Well we are way into moving at the moment and now I get to go over to the in-laws and organize and clean so we have a space. I am so excited for our adventure. I know that it will not be easy at times and somewhat annoying, but overall it is what we need to do to get where we want to be in life. G still doesn't know what he wants to do so we can only pray and I long for creating and sewing. Currently I am allowing myself to get a few pieces for our future room that are bright, cheery and colorful. I am preparing myself for a space that will carry me. We already bought the paint so I can't wait to get in on the walls! I picked a light is so calming and peaceful and Eve picked a light aquaish blue that is very tranquil. These colors remind me of the Hawaiian ocean...we will create our own. lol

So on Sunday I was trying to show my daughter Eve how to sew. She had purchased this design sewing fashion doll kit that she has been wanting forever! She finally earned it from her Mim (her grandma). She had been begging me to help her. Oh it was sooo frustrating trying to show her because she does not listen at all! I learned this from a very young age. Eve is very strong willed and does not know the meaning of patience. She gets that from her dad and the strong willed part from both of us so that's not so good sometimes. I tried to show her how to thread and she said that's easy! And then she tried it and said that's too hard mom! I said you just need to be patient and concentrate on what you are doing because it takes time. Then I started the threading for the embellishment she cut out for the base dress...she began with the opposite side that I started and she stated that my stitching was too small. Oh boy do you have a lot to learn! She of course got frustrated and mad and said that it wasn't working..I said no,you need to do it this way and showed her. I asked why do think it didn't work? How can you correct that? She began to get more mad and then it turned to tears..why isn't this working? Why is this so hard? You know how to sew why can't I? I said honey I learned and it took a while. She said, but mom..I am your daughter you sew and know how to make things and so should I. Yes she is right to a point, but it was heartbreaking trying to explain that we don't all have the same gifts or talents just because a parent has it doesn't mean you will or you wont. It takes time and a lot of practice figuring out what your nitch is. I think that in the end we will end up at a sewing class because she takes things from me too personally and she doesn't listen to me and that's ok! We all have to be aware of our limitations in parenting.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


So my business will have to wait another month because we are MOVING! I am sooo excited for our new adventure.

Things in our lives are falling in our laps, God is GREAT and God is GOOD! I am so thankful for my faith and knowing how Heavenly Father loves us and what HE is wanting to bless us with.

I am going to be able to start debuting my accessories after we are all moved in and settled. I have already accumulated a lot of supplies, but there is much more to buy and soon I am getting a serger! Another exciting investment, nothing too fancy... something to learn on and get started with.

TA..TA.. For now!

Monday, March 29, 2010

So much to do....

I am learning real fast how I can overwhelm myself. I am a perfectionista of sorts and expect soooo much out of myself. I know that I have to pace myself and that's ok! (I keep on telling myself)

Right now it's finding the time and energy to do what I want to do. I am starting the business as early as April....if that works..he,he. Overall I am doing this for fun and mainly just to keep up with the hobby for right now. After I go down in days at work and school starts back up in Sept I am hoping to expand more and start taking classes too. I will have only 1 at home all day so that will be nice. Jackson will be in K...if only we could do all day:( Maybe we will? Only time will tell for us- big changes in the mix and it's exciting!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Drum roll....

Attention one and all....I finally decided on a name!!! It took quite a while and it just kind of stuck so here it is..


Sunday, March 21, 2010

I am trying to figure out an actual business name and I am having a really hard time. There are so many different businesses out there that it makes it really hard to come up with something unique. At least I have ruled out a bunch.

Any suggestions?

Monday, March 15, 2010


I will get over this!!! I HAVE TO!
I am not doing very well right now and somehow I need to find a clearing. I do not want to get too personal, but I have some issues that I deal with and I have been doing quite well until the last couple weeks. The sadness just comes in and then I get to my knees and ask Heavenly Father to be with me and that Jesus can take the pain and sadness away- it is a daily ritual right now. I am unable to really concentrate and the tears are forming and it seems like I have a constant migraine. I was feeling a little better and then the news of my sister close sister has a brain tumor. YES I know that brain surgery happens daily, but to someone else...not to my dear sister! I am reeling right now and am trying to fight through it.

So the big question that keeps on coming around to myself is...
"What are you going to take from this????"

I have so many desires of my heart- I SIMPLY WANT TO CREATE! I want to be happy in my life and with what I am doing and contributing...even if it's a smile to someone who wanted a beautiful embellishment to their wardrobe.
You never know a person's real life.. what if that person is going through a difficult time,a funeral, a divorce, depression, health problems? And they find this one simple beautiful elegant THING and it gives them a glimpse of freedom from their earthly cares? For that one special moment they see something only THEY see...light, peace and serenity. In return that one special earthly thing make them feel special, makes them feel a little brighter, a little more hopeful for the future. The THING can be anything! The key is that the THING is not just any ordinary thing, it begins to hold their soul.

THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE....There is so much sadness and pain in the world and I want to reach people. I want to help them see life from a new perspective because I know where they have been.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Mabe Ring

I have been searching for a BLUE pearl ring for AGES and I came across this last night when I was playing online. I really wanted something not so fancy and not tacky either and I loved both of these. Now the problem is which one? I like how the emerald shaped one is different, but I am afraid of it sticking out too far. And I like the silver detail in the rounded ring, but then it's round. I simply don't know. I think it will be my splurge for the month and the price is excellent.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Isn't it wonderful?!

We LOVE LOVE LOVE Charlie and is the ultimate cutest. Today we watched some borrowed dvds of the show and my little 2 year old starts yelling out.."CHARLIE" in a British accent. The cutest thing EVER!!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Warmth PLEASE!!!

This picture literally brings tears to my eyes...this is what God created for us. This and so many others of this photographer inspires me and brings me joy.

So many ideas yet so little time! This seems to be my constant struggle. There are so many things that I would love to make and do and I simply don't have the time and especially the energy. I am getting better and the sun has been coming out a lot more and it amazes me how much I am effected by the weather. Gloom and doom just depresses me and living in the northwest cages you in that type of an environment. I am trying not to complain because we are truly blessed for living in an area where there has been no disasters...YET! My point is that I am overall very happy with the sunshine and it makes me think more clearly and fuels my energy source.
There are a few ideas that I am currently thinking up that hopefully I can pan out sooner rather than later. We will see what the future has in store.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Eve's a PUNK!

I am done with the fighting and persuading! I wanted a very pretty girly chic quilt set for Eve and she defied my and says..." I am not a flowery girl". How in the heck does she even know what kind of a girl she is???? She is only 8 flipp'n years old for goodness sakes! Oh I feel the gray hairs coming on already. So we set out to Target because they have some really cute bedding and some good prices too. On the way I spotted the Bed Bath and Beyond and said we need to drop by there first before we make any final decisions. Sure enough we walk in and the ONLY TURQUOISE set there is in the front clearance section. Any kind of aqua-turquoise color is her ultimate fave. The bedding was a full 9 pc. set and the price was originally $200.00 and got it for only $59.99 and she REALLY wanted it so I succumbed. I fiqure I couldn't get really get a better deal than that.

Quilt Pattern

I simply LOVE this quilt pattern and the purple is very beautiful too. What do you think? I am so used to doing patchwork and I don't do all the crazy designs. I like simplicity and yet not too boring.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Love the 1940's

My favorite picture in the Vogue shoot.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The most wonderful cards

These are the most gorgeous fun looking cards I have EVER seen! I would love to have ALL of them and fill an entire room with them and then dress up like Marie Antoinette. That will have to be on my bucket list now. Any chance I can get to dress up in frills and lace...tastefully might I add..I will take it. I have always longed to wear those huge fancy silk hooped dresses. I grew up watching musicals like The Slipper and The Rose. If you have not seen it you are missing out BIG TIME! I love all the beautiful costumes and YES the cheesiness

Friday, February 26, 2010

Playlist | Search | MUSICALS songs

Playlist | Search | MUSICALS songs

Hula Mula | Girls Clothing

Hula Mula | Girls Clothing
Here's my beautiful girl on the far right debuting the adorable cherry outfit. We are friends with the creators and owners of Knuckleads and Hula Mula clothing line. Everything is so wonderful that I would LOVE to have it all AND in my size. he,he, SERIOUSLY!
If you have never heard of them YOU NEED TO CHECK THEM OUT!!! Everything is truly FANTASTIC!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Seth Aaron Henderson |

Seth Aaron Henderson |


He is my ultimate fave! Anyone who watches this cannot be but blown away by his amazing talent. He seems like such a wonderful person and a family man too! Someday I would absolutely LOVE to meet him.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Curls and Splurges

My splurge for the week....I need more color...sparkle and retro chic!I could not pass them up.

The color just pops!

I saw this brooch and LOVED it. I have nothing like it so it had to be mine:)

If I had to choose one sent for the rest of my life this would be it!

These are my fun new glasses that I got for my bday last month- aren't they cool?!

I decided to have a little throw back from my past...CURLS..LOTS OF THEM! I mainly wanted to try it on my daughter because every time I curl her hair the curls just fall out. I even tried hot rollers...NOPE! So I resorted to sponge rollers and IT WORKED! I thought it would be fun to try mine and oh my goodness.....crazy! There was so much curl that I didn't know what to do, but put it up. I will do larger rollers in the future for me because my hair is naturally curly and it takes too well to curls. It was a bonding moment for me and my daughter getting all dolled up for no reason at all...every mom should experience that.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Budding Artist

Isn't this the cutest?! This is my 8 year old daughter's art work.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Island Patchwork Bedroom | Pottery Barn Kids

Island Patchwork Bedroom | Pottery Barn Kids

I AM SOOOOO IN LOVE WITH THIS! I went today to Washington Square to see if they had it there and THEY DON'T!!! ONLINE! I have learned my lesson on bedding and how you pretty much get what you pay for so why not get something really nice that is going to last??? I do NOT like fluffy bedding sets anymore..they might seem wonderful at first and then they all wear out and get all clumpy in places. I HATE THAT!! So when I had my Manti I decided to go to Pottery Barn and get something that would last, look semi homemade, and something I would cherish. I found the perfect bedding for him, I was so grateful and on sale too! Can't beat that. Now it's Eve's turn and eventually Jackson and a larger one for Manti.

I figure that I would spend loads of money, not to mention time on the quilts that I would make in the past and these ones at Pottery Barn are around $100.00. For anyone who has quilted I am sure you understand what I am talking about. You pick out all the fabric and get it all are on this color kaleidoscope high and then you get to the register...SAY WHAT?! It's how much? Oh my goodness, even with sale prices it ends up being astronomical and I am a thrifty shopper! For me I would get that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach..SARAH WHAT DID YOU JUST DO? YOU COULD'VE EASILY BOUGHT SOMETHING NICE FOR THAT AMOUNT OF MONEY AND NOW YOU HAVE TO SPEND HOURS UPON HOURS MAKING IT! Don't get me wrong, I love quilting..especially baby size, but when it's queen and king size..need I say more? And I typically don't do

Vintage Bride White Flowers Rhinestone Hair Comb Wedding by OhFaro

Vintage Bride White Flowers Rhinestone Hair Comb Wedding by OhFaro

MADISON Large Vintage bridal rhinestone hair brooch by Croska

MADISON Large Vintage bridal rhinestone hair brooch by Croska

Sunday, February 21, 2010

PARDON MY FRENCH Art Print by jodypham on Etsy

PARDON MY FRENCH Art Print by jodypham on Etsy: "PARDON MY FRENCH Art Print

Art Deco Inspired White and Ivory Bridal by OneDelightfulDay

Art Deco Inspired White and Ivory Bridal by OneDelightfulDay

Wedding Lanvin by BoringSidney on Etsy

Wedding Lanvin by BoringSidney on Etsy

Art Deco Style Vintage Earings by verytreschic on Etsy

Art Deco Style Vintage Earings by verytreschic on Etsy: "Art Deco Style Vintage Earings
Art Deco Style Vintage Earings"

Art Deco Poppy at the Ball 2 4 X 6 print by matouenpeluche

Art Deco Poppy at the Ball 2 4 X 6 print by matouenpeluche

Blue Pom Pom print of original charcoal and by matouenpeluche

Blue Pom Pom print of original charcoal and by matouenpeluche: "Blue Pom Pom - print of original charcoal and pastel drawing
Blue Pom Pom - print of original charcoal and pastel drawing
Blue Pom Pom - print of original charcoal and pastel drawing Blue Pom Pom - print of original charcoal and pastel drawing"

Amazing artist

You have got to visit her site..she also has a blog too. I absolutely LOVE her artwork.

Listen to luvseviejacksmans Playlist

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Beaded Vintage Inspired Fan Elastic Headband by byme on Etsy

Beaded Vintage Inspired Fan Elastic Headband by byme on Etsy: "Beaded Vintage Inspired Fan Elastic Headband"


Hello there!

This is my own creative blog that I have now will take some time I am sure.

Hopefully it will make you smile and give you warm fuzzies. he,he

Now it's off to customizing. I will be back to report soon.